
Gain insights on nature-connectedness

This path will lead you to:


We are human only in contact and conviviality with what is not human.”– David Abram

Two workshops to take your first steps

To work in partnership with Nature is a paradigm shift:
Nature become an intrinsic par of the activities and structure of the organisation.

To take the path of Nature-connectedness and biodiversity is to take a living and successful path.

“Perhaps the best and most important workshop I have been to. Take the chance and book it for your company.
No one can do everything, but everyone can do something”
– Emma, Office manager

“Thank you for a fantastic workshop! Imagine if all companies and organizations had contact with nature as part of their business plan and as a measurable KPI”
– Helene, Communicator

THe Biodiversity collage

Biodiversity collage is a playful and science-based workshop to better understand biodiversity and the causes and consequences of its loss.

Three hours to learn, exchange thoughts, feelings and create together.

Concretely, the participants work together to create a visual map (or collage) showing interactions and dependencies using cards presenting the key notions of biodiversity, species, ecosystems, services provided, etc. Throughout the game, their reflection is accompanied by facilitators until the collage is complete.

The strength of this tool lies in its ability to get people to discuss biodiversity issues whatever their background.

It gives team a common and solid base on which they can start to build up their sustainability strategy linked to biodiversity.

It’s a powerful format that can result in a concrete action plan adapted to local issues

THe Nature-connected workshop

This workshop explores how a nature-connected organisations combine staff wellbeing, sustainability agenda and business success.

Nature-connectedness creates beneficial environments for the collaboration, creativity, and innovation essential to organizations prosperity.

Nature-connectedness has impact beyond the organization itself being a model for others by showing and promoting a sustainable way of doing business in partnership with Nature.

By rethinking your organization as a tree, we bring out nature connection possibilities at different level: staff, structure, culture and community.

We go through the five pathways to nature connection.

This workshop is based on the Tree framework developed by the nature connectedness research group at the university of Derby.