A nature-based team building is not an outdoor team building!
It is not to do outdoors the same as indoors by using nature as a background. It is to develop our “green skills” to live in, and develop sustainable society.
I believe in sensory intelligence
Imagine for a moment that you have no senses. You don’t see, you don’t feel, there’s no sound, you don’t taste or smell. What are you doing? Do you even exist?
Nature-based facilitator. What does it mean?
Let’s integrate nature into our activities to promote sustainable and successful organizations with increased well-being, harmony and creativity.
Does nature exist? And if so, what is it?
A question that more and more people reflect on. With the word “nature” we created a separation between us, humans, and everything else that evolved on earth.
Nature: the future of the workplace
”Exposure to nature during work hours reduces stress and improves cognitive performance”. This is the conclusion of a study from Limburg in Belgium.
Nature-based experience: Roles & Impacts of the guide
Guides promote trust, safety, nature and social connectedness and therefore contribute to the health benefits of nature-based experiences.
Nature makes us more social
To be in nature with your colleagues promotes harmony in the group. Nature contact promotes physiological, psychological and social health.
Therefore, you need a guide for your forest bath
A nature-based experience like forest bathing can be done alone or with the help of a guide. And there is a big difference.
Forest bathing: more than mindfulness in nature
Forest bathing is a way to connect to nature, to ourselves and to the other. Reciprocity is one of the most important ingredients: to feel the web of life.
Welcome to reality!
A forest bath is a sensory experience to be in the reality of the present moment, here and now. It is as valuable and as true as the one that we build…
Happiness is in earth, literally!
Happiness is called Mycobacteriun vaccae, is a soil bacterium and an old friend. Having contact with it enhances our wellbeing.
What do the trees have in common with Jackson Pollock’s paintings?
Fractals: patterns that repeat in different scales. They are everywhere in nature. We are made to look at them, we like them and they make us feel good!
Phytoncides: the language of the trees?
Trees “speak” with each other and with us using molecules called phytoncides. This communication can boost our immune defence…
Is there scientific theories to forest bathing?
Nature-based experiences like forest bathing are based on scientific theories that can be summarised as follow: we are wired to nature, we are nature.
What do I mean when I say that I guide forest baths?
Forest bathing is a nature-based experience where the guide creates a safe space, promotes full presence with nature contact and connection to each other.
What is forest bathing actually?
To bath in the forest atmosphere. A sensory experience with out obligations to feel full presence, connection to nature and to others.
The way of the guide
Nature-based program are not teaching classes. It gives the possibility to be our true selves together and bring life into our work.
And so Sense in Nature was born…
“In every walk with Nature one receives far more than he seeks” J. Muir. Where everything started and led to nature-based program for team building.